Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who Spilled the Beans!?!

So, I know I haven't posted in a really long time, but I swear I have some good excuses. As you might have read in my husbands last post he has started a new job for a four star resort here in Phoenix. We are all excited for this great opportunity that he has been given and he is definitely learning a lot. He finally has a set schedule on the day he works, but his days off vary from week to week. I never know when I'll get to see him and usually his days off are days that I have to work. The only thing that puts my mind at ease is knowing that this will all be over before the end of the year and the fact that those days are spent with his children that love him dearly and look forward to those dad only days. Most of our weekends are spent waking up to Cole being gone and not coming home till sometime later that evening. It's getting easier to deal with as the weeks go by and me and the kids are finding lots things to kill the time.

Okay, now for the real news............We are expecting AGAIN!! NOT by choice, I might add. This has come as a big surprise to all of us. In other words NO this was not planned. We were hoping to wait a few years, so Cole could get out of school and start his career, but as you all know life never goes as planned. We have tried to keep it a secret for as long as possible. But, I guess you can say the Cat's out of the bag. Cole and I have known for sometime now and just starting telling people about the end of March. As of today I'm 15 1/2 weeks and I'm due October 8th. That means Lincoln and this next one will only be 15 months apart. SCARY!

Not sure if I should cry or be excited, but everyone I tell seems to think this is the most exciting news they've heard in a long time. We've decided not to find out the sex on this one just to make it a little more exciting for all of us. I've been to doctor and everything looks good. I'm actually surprised at how little weight I've gained so far with this one and the fact that I'm still wearing all my regular clothes even though I'm almost four months. Think it has a lot to be due to the fact that I'm constantly going from the time I get up to the time I pass out on the bed due to exhaustion. Plus, for the first 8 weeks of being pregnant I was competing in a biggest loser completion at work. After 8 weeks of working my butt off working out and only maintaining the same weight I knew something was up. I've never been what you would call regular so when I started feeling sick I knew something was wrong. I told Cole and he being the man that he is told me to wait a little bit to see if it would go away.(Ya right, like something like that just goes away.) I took a test anyways and that only confirmed the diagnoses. I continued working out but not nearly as intense as I had been before.

Now that the sickness is over everything is going great. I'm sure this will be the same as the others, simple from here on out. It's kinda funny that I'll deliver about a month before Cole is done with school and that I delivered Lincoln almost exactly one month before he started. Just goes to show how quickly plans can change. We've had time to get over the shock and I think the excitement of having another is starting to set in. Wish our little family luck!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cole and Denise this is Shayla you should remember me! LOL anyways I just wanted to say Congrats!! I am also pregnant with the third! I am 17 weeks so we are about the same. My first two are 17 months apart and if you ask me Denise it really is easy when they are close together you will be amazed when the new addition comes to your family. Now this one is going to be 2 years apart from my daughter so I am happy about that one. Anyways I just talking away I just wanted to say Congrats. I am glad you are over your sickness as for me not so much but it is getting better. Well if you need anything let me know.

Kristin said...

BIG FAT CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Soooo exciting!!! Did you hear Sherry is expecting too?!?!?

Amy said...

Yay yay!! So fun! You guys are an amazing family!! You're catching up to us pretty quick :) We love you guys!!

inkyfamily said...

CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!! How exciting! I can't believe you kept it a secret for so long!! I can't believe you are patient enough to wait to know what he or she is! Can't wait to find out! And a big CONGRATS to Cole as well! Super cool! 4 star restaurant! Good job!!

Farrah Nelson said...

Cole and Denise this is fabulous news, I am excited for you. You both are wonderful parents.